
Helping doctors in management with a reconstructed face

pozadí medigenia
mac medigenia
med popř

MediGenia, a company focused on comprehensive consulting services in the world of medicine, needed to transfer its outdated web presentation to a modern platform where it could offer its administrative, organizational and management services for doctors. In excellent cooperation with the client and the company's CEO, engineer Škrdlantová, we created an attractive website that not only makes it easier for users to navigate, but also helps with effective work with content and website management.

The services we provided

WordPress CMS Integration with systems

The main goal and essence of the project was to redesign the old website both visually and, above all, in terms of content. We organized the confusing content structure so that key information was easily accessible and easy to find. Better orientation on the website was also ensured thanks to the search function, which ensures that visitors can find what they need. The result of our work was a visually clean, content-organized, interactively interesting and intuitive website presentation. 

As part of the project, a newsletter was implemented with a connection to the Ecomail service, which sends information and other emails to registered users and thus helps in communicating with those interested in news from the world of medical administration. Registered users were also given access to the exclusive Infoservis information zone, which provides up-to-date information from the field of management as part of a paid subscription. 

This resulted in a modern, user-friendly and functional website that meets the client's expectations and helps keep medical professionals informed. Thank you for the trust and excellent cooperation, which took place in a friendly atmosphere. We are happy for the opportunity to create a website that the client is satisfied with and that provides quality information to the professional public.

The result of our work

Shall we have a chat?

If you have a project or collaboration that you would like to discuss with us, or if you are curious to hear more about how we can help you. We look forward to hearing from you.